Monday, June 18, 2007

Hey I really enjoyed your letter it was perfect.

A barbecue buffet sounds so good you would laugh if you could see the stuff I’m eating here, but I eat it because I’m so hungry. Since it was father’s day the husband of our pension was home and he barbequed chicken and some kind of other meat it was good but not filling.

This past week was ok for p-day we went to some more runes that over looked the beach and then we went back and just relaxed in our zone leader’s house. The week was ok I spoke in sacrament meeting and taught the lesson in Sunday school for the young men young women it is not that big of a deal because their is only ten of them and I showed a video. I still get really frustrated when I can’t say or speak exactly the way I want to. But I know that the spirit helps me so much with the language when I’m sitting in front of investigators.

This past Friday was really nice I did a comp change with my zone leader in his area. He’s from Idaho and a good missionary it was so nice to work with a comp that I could trust and learn good things from. He speaks good Spanish and him and I share some of the same ideas about the work. His pension is the best in the whole mission she owns a pizza restaurant. For dinner we ate pizza and hamburgers.

We’ll be going to Lima this week for a zone conference and to say good bye to President Morris. I love you all so much I hope you have a great week.

Elder little